Remain in Your Home

Plan ahead in order to age in place.

Speak candidly with our therapists about your current ability and how it could change over time. Allow us to understand how you live in your home now — the things you like to do, the things you can do easily, the things that are getting more difficult.

We will give you the benefit of our experience working with others in similar situations.

elderly couple at home laughing
  • We can provide recommendations for your contractor — in terms of room configuration, lighting, furniture and fixtures to include.
  • We can provide handyman contacts.
  • We can help assure your family that you are adequately equipped to remain at home.
  • If you don’t want to face finding a contractor, we can recommend one we’ve worked with successfully.


Regardless of where you are in the process of making home and lifestyle changes to accommodate your changing abilities, our team will bring new insights and ideas to your plan.