Parkinson's Disease

Loss of muscle control presents unique challenges.

Plan ahead for changing abilities.
Parkinson’s Disease robs the individual of muscle control. Movements slow, tremors develop, posture and balance are impaired. Feet shuffle. The body wants to do what the brain asks, but the message doesn’t always come through clearly or quickly enough to allow for an adequate response.
The most common result:  falls.
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson’s disease is progressive, so symptoms tend to worsen over time. For this reason, it is worthwhile to consider how the physical ability will change in the future and make any home modifications with that longer view in mind.
Our aging-in-place specialists have worked with many people living with Parkinson’s disease. We understand the changes that occur and how that affects or will affect the ability to perform daily tasks and the mobility needed for those tasks.  We will listen to what is important to your loved one and their care partner and make recommendations for activity and home or environmental modifications based on current and possible future needs. 
Builders who are certified in aging-in-place techniques understand the danger zones in the home, but aren’t trained to understand the physical and cognitive effects on function Parkinson’s Disease causes.
If more extensive changes are desired or needed, we can consult with your contractors or we can recommend one with whom we have worked, to choose appropriate fixtures and to design room configurations that make the most sense in your specific situation.